Monday, May 23, 2011

Chapter 3: Lord Marcus

Ina sat still for a couple of minutes. Then she read the letter again five times. She got up and ran for the door. She knew what Karin had and that they would burn the cabin down so that no one else got her ominous disease. She ran to Devin’s mansion. The guards stopped her.
“Let me through,” Ina yelled.
“Now what?” Devin said.
“It’s nothing Sir, just a slave,” one soldier said.
“Who is it?” Devin said.
“Mr. Darin Walker, My Lord,” the other one said.
“Let him in,” Devin said. He was sitting on his bed when Ina got to his room.
“Don’t burn it down,” Ina yelled. “There is a cure. Please don’t kill my sister!” She fell to her knees and started to beg.
“You expect me to fund her recovery?” Devin said. “You must be dreaming.”
“I beg you,” Ina said. “Please save my sister!” She bowed.
“So now that you beg, you think that pay to save a slave’s life?”
“I’ll do anything!”
“Anything? I see.” He got off his bed and walked over to Ina. He grabbed her arm and tossed her onto the bed. “Then I guess I’ll have to take you up on your offer.”
“No, wait!” Ina tried to push Devin away.
“You said anything.”
“You want to save your sister, don’t you?”
“You promise you’ll save her?”
“I promise.”
The next day, Ina woke up in Devin’s bed. She was alone. Devin was out giving work orders. She sat up, letting the covers fall. She was naked. The door suddenly opened and Ina covered herself. It was one of Devin’s maids.
“Oh you’re up,” she said. “Lord has asked us to look after you. Is there anything you need?”
“Can I have some water?” Ina asked.
“Here you go,” the maid said giving Ina a glass of water. “I know it hurt the first time, but you’ll get use to it.”
Ina blushed. “It was necessary. Can I have some clothes?”
“What color dress would you like, Lady Ina?” The maid asked.
“Lady Ina?”
“Yes, that’s what we must call the lady of Lord Devin.”
“You can call me Ina. What is your name?”
“There is no need for you to know my name.”
“What is it?”
“My name is Chelsea, Lady Ina.” She bowed.
“Just Ina is fine. I’d like my normal wear please.”
“But you are Lord Devin’s Lady. You must wear a dress.”
“I don’t like dresses.” Ina picked up her clothes off the floor and started getting dress.
“Oh no. Lord Devin will have my head if you wear those. Please just wear a dress.” Chelsea bowed again.
Ina sighed. “I like blue.”
“Yes, My Lady.” Chelsea left the room then came back with a blue dress. “I will be your personal maid. If you have any questions just ask.” She handed Ina the dress. “Do you need any help?”
“I can dress myself, thanks.”
“Breakfast is ready downstairs, Lady Ina.” Chelsea left Ina alone.
“This dress is too luxurious. Oh well.” Ina got dress then went down stairs to the dinning room. The cook and some other maids greeted her.
“Lady Ina, you look so beautiful,” Chelsea said. “Please sit down. I’ll serve you.” She gave Ina a plate of food. Eat up, there’s plenty the cook said going back into the kitchen.
“Is there anything we can do for you, lady Ina?” Another maid said.
“You can just call me Ina,” Ina said. “Where is Devin?”
“Lord Devin is at a meeting right now,” came a man’s voice. “If you are dateless I don’t mind eating with you.” He sat across from Ina. A plate appeared in front of him as soon as he sat down. “I’m Marcus L. O'Neil. You may call me Marcus.”
“Is there anything else you need, Lord Marcus?” A young maid asked. She looked terrified. Ina noticed this.
“There is nothing I need,” Marcus said. “But there is something I want. Of course, that desire will be fulfilled later. Now then, Lady Ina I here you’re Devin’s Lady.”
“I am no such thing!” Ina said.
“You seem pretty stubborn,” Marcus said. “How’d he get you?”
“There is no need for you to know,” Ina said.
“A sweat talker too,” Marcus said. “How did it feel to have him inside of you? I bet it felt really good.”
“Shut up.”
“I bet the touch of his lips on your body felt like heaven.”
“Shut up!” Ina got up and ran through the door. She ran to Devin’s room. Marcus was close behind her.
“Did I say something wrong? Oh, I know. You want to keep your pleasure moments to yourself.”
Slap. “Shut up you bastard.”
Slam. Marcus shoved Ina into the wall. Marcus got on top of her. He took his shirt off. “Never say that again.” He kissed Ina.
“Never take what doesn’t belong to you,” Devin’s voice came from the door. “You should know better then to take what’s mine, Lord Marcus.”
“I should, shouldn’t I, Lord Devin?” Marcus said. He leaned closer to Ina.
“Get off of her Marcus,” Devin said. “Now!”
“You ruin all the fun,” Marcus said getting up. “I was just...” Devin sliced his shoulder with his sword.
“Just what?” Devin said.
“Never mind.” Marcus walked towards the door. “Oh, I’m taking your young maid. Hope she’s fun.” He left the room laughing.
“Are you ok?” Devin said.
“I’m fine,” Ina said. “Ow.”
“I’m ok. Where were you?”
“I had a meeting.”
“My sister, have you told them that she can be saved?”
“They won’t burn the cabin down.”
“But she needs medicine.”
“I don’t know what type she needs.”
“She needs salt water with lemon juice.”
“Is that all she needs? That’s pretty cheep.”
“Are you doing to buy them?”
“No, one of my men will.”
“Why not you?”
“I’m very busy. Now lets go enjoy what’s left of breakfast.”

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